Friday, February 08, 2008

.: 5 Things-- Pr dari ibu Guru :.

pucca_love_14Setelah seharian hujan deras meronah yang membuat koneksi internet jeblok..akhirna bisa online juga...ehh...tau2 dapet PR dari ibu guru satu ini....

Disuruhnya pula obrak abrik isi tas dan kamar....untung cuma di list 5 ajah...

Okeh deh bu guru...nih dia PR nya...akuh kerjain...

5 things in my bag :

1. Handphones..
2. digital camera
3. bedak and pensil alis ...
4. wallet and purse
5. kipas mini

5 things found in my wallet :

1. money
2. ATM cards and Credit Cards
3. some picture of me and husband
4. receipt of some bills
5. my husband wedding ring

5 things found in my room :

1. books
2. computer and 2 laptops
3. my husband's helicopters
4. tv and dvd players and dvd movies
5. PS 2 and some of its games

5 things I’ve always wanted to do :

1. turun berat badan bo....susehh bener...
2. going to Europe again
3. have our own house
4. learning how to cook
5. travelling with my husband again

5 things I’ve currently into :

1. Blogging, surfing, browsing
2. totally bedrest for our baby
3. going to hongkong on march
4. dampingi suami disetiap pelajarannya, mau ujian dia buat maskapai asing
5. savings savings savings for the baby and house if possible
Selesaiiiiiiiiiiii...plok plok plok....kasih aplause yahh trus di ponten 100 dong....

nah..sekarang giliran akuh yang mau kasih PR...kasih siapa yahh??
ke ini ajah deh... :

1. dessy fitriana
2. yuka umi na syamil
3. mbu azka
4. nchie
5. mba evie eucalyptus
6. mba indah

1 comment:

Eucalyptus said...

Iya bu guluuuu, nanti aku keljain pe-elnya yaaaaa.... he he he...