Monday, September 24, 2007

.: sebuah puisi yang sangat indah :.

Bila ibu boleh memilih
Apakah ibu berbadan langsing atau berbadan besar karena mengandungmu
Maka ibu akan memilih mengandungmu…
Karena dalam mengandungmu ibu merasakan keajaiban dan kebesaran Allah

Sembilan bulan nak,… engkau hidup di perut ibu
Engkau ikut kemanapun ibu pergi
Engkau ikut merasakan ketika jantung ibu berdetak karena kebahagiaan
Engkau menendang rahim ibu ketika engkau merasa tidak nyaman, karena ibu kecewa dan berurai air mata…

Bila ibu boleh memilih apakah ibu harus operasi caesar, atau ibu harus berjuang melahirkanmu
Maka ibu memilih berjuang melahirkanmu
Karena menunggu dari jam ke jam, menit ke menit kelahiranmu
Adalah seperti menunggu antrian memasuki salah satu pintu surga
Karena kedahsyatan perjuanganmu untuk mencari jalan ke luar ke dunia sangat ibu rasakan
Dan saat itulah kebesaran Allah menyelimuti kita berdua
Malaikat tersenyum diantara peluh dan erangan rasa sakit,
Yang tak pernah bisa ibu ceritakan kepada siapapun

Dan ketika engkau hadir, tangismu memecah dunia
Saat itulah… saat paling membahagiakan
Segala sakit & derita sirna melihat dirimu yang merah,
Mendengarkan ayahmu mengumandangkan adzan,
Kalimat syahadat kebesaran Allah dan penetapan hati tentang junjungan kita Rasulullah di telinga mungilmu

Bila ibu boleh memilih apakah ibu berdada indah, atau harus bangun tengah malam untuk menyusuimu,
Maka ibu memilih menyusuimu,
Karena dengan menyusuimu ibu telah membekali hidupmu dengan tetesan-tetesan dan tegukan tegukan yang sangat berharga
Merasakan kehangatan bibir dan badanmu didada ibu dalam kantuk ibu,
Adalah sebuah rasa luar biasa yang orang lain tidak bisa rasakan
Bila ibu boleh memilih duduk berlama-lama di ruang rapat
Atau duduk di lantai menemanimu menempelkan puzzle
Maka ibu memilih bermain puzzle denganmu
Tetapi anakku…
Hidup memang pilihan…
Jika dengan pilihan ibu, engkau merasa sepi dan merana
Maka maafkanlah nak…
Maafkan ibu…
Maafkan ibu…
Percayalah nak, ibu sedang menyempurnakan puzzle kehidupan kita,
Agar tidak ada satu kepingpun bagian puzzle kehidupan kita yang hilang
Percayalah nak…
Sepi dan ranamu adalah sebagian duka ibu
Percayalah nak…
Engkau adalah selalu menjadi belahan nyawa ibu…

Sumber : Ratih Sanggarwati (Ratih Sang)


, 21 Agustus 2004
lihat ; KCM- Ratih Sanggarwati: Puisi Untuk Si Kecil

puisi ini gue dapetin waktu gue iseng2 browsing internet barusan...and langsung ajah gue pikir gue posting disini...kata2nya indah bangettttt...gue jadi mikir...wahhh segitu besarnya peranan seorang ibu dalam hidup gue...dan gue juga berharap gue akan bisa berperan besar dalam hidup anak gue nantinya...hehehhehehe...

pas gue posting, gue bingung..mau pasang gambar apaan...sementara gue sendiri belum punya anak...yah udah gue add ajah deh foto gue sama ponakan gue yang paling cantik sedunia...

hmmmm... " GOD...I want a baby soon....amien.... "

.: true friends :.

True Friends are gifts!

True Friends are always missed!

True Friends never lie!

They always tell the truth, Even if it's not what you want to hear...BUT hey it's the TRUTH!

True Friends are loving, Caring, and Strong-they seem to always know when your going "through it" and when something's wrong!

True Friends will always encourage you and tell you..."to keep holding on"!

I truly believe that TRUE Friends are a blessing-from God...

Some may have many, Some may have few, Some may have one- but that's okay because one's make it through!!

So Thank God Everyday for your friend who is TRUE and see it as if God has placed them there-just for you!

And if you ever come upon one who has NO friend...have Sympathy and Compassion for they are the one's who have not yet known the Blessing and Love of a...


.: kesempatan VS pilihan :.


Saat kita bertemu dengan seseorang yang sempurna
yang kita cintai di saat yang tepat, di tempat yang tepat dan di waktu yang tepat,
itu adalah KESEMPATAN

Saat kamu bertemu seseorang yang membuatmu tertarik,
itu bukan pilihan...itu adalah KESEMPATAN
Selalu bersama/bertemu dalam suatu waktu
bukanlah suatu pilihan, itu juga suatu KESEMPATAN

Perbedaannya adalah setelah semuanya itu terjadi.
Kapan kau akan membawa rasa cinta, suka,
ketertarikan tersebut naik ke tingkat selanjutnya?
Pada saat akal sehat kembali, kau duduk dan
menimbang kembali apakah kau ingin melanjutkan
hubungan tersebut atau melepaskannya.

Jika kau memilih untuk mencintai seseorang tersebut,
meskipun dengan segala kekurangannya, itu
itu bukanlah KESEMPATAN itu adalah PILIHAN.

Disaat kau memilih untuk bersama dengan seseorang, tidak peduli dengan hal lainnya,
itu adalah PILIHAN.

Meskipun kau tahu banyak orang di luar sana
yang lebih menarik, pintar, dan lebih segalanya daripada pasanganmu,dan ya...kau memutuskan untuk tetap mencintai pasanganmu apa adanya, itu
itu adalah PILIHAN.

Cinta, suka, ketertarikan datang kepada kita dari KESEMPATAN.
Tetapi cinta sejati itu adalah sungguh-sungguh suatu PILIHAN.
Sebuah PILIHAN yang kita buat.
Berkenaan dengan teman sejiwa, ada sebuah film
yang indah membuat kita percaya bahwa ini
adalah sungguhan mengenai:
"Nasib membawamu untuk bersamanya, tetapi
untuk tetap bersamanya sampai akhir itu semua
tergantung dari dirimu."

Saya percaya bahwa teman sejiwa itu benar-benar ada.
Bahwa ada seseorang khusus diciptakan untukmu.
Tetapi itu masih tetap tergantung pada dirimu
untuk membuat PILIHAN tersebut apakah kau akan
melakukannya atau tidak.
Kita mungkin akan menemukan teman sejati kita
dengan KESEMPATAN yang ada, tetapi untuk
mencintai dan bersama dengan teman sejiwa kita,
itu adalah tetap PILIHAN kita untuk mewujudkannya.

Kita datang ke dunia ini bukan untuk mencari
seseorang yang sempurna untuk mencintai...
Tetapi untuk belajar bagaimana mencintai
seseorang yang tidak sempurna dengan sempurna...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

.: my little princess ::.

1000 characters are hardly enough to explain how much I love this girl..."CARISSA ZAHRA SAFITRI"...

icha ku...icha - na uwa teteh.......

I just love to... tickle you and to be with you and to talk to you and to chat with you and to hug you and to laugh with you and to hold hands with you and to watch movies " dora ..hip hip hip dora" or "sponge bob square pants" with you and to have lunch with you and to be driving with you and to cuddle you and to wake up next to you and to walk at the gading mall buying j'co with you and to comfort you and to be comforted by you and to plan ahead with you and to see you and even to sms you via your mother my think about you to make you happy to dance with you to drink with you to be with your friends with you to be 'checked out' by you and to kiss you and to be honest with you and to trust you to smell you to spoil you and a few more things that don't belong here.

I simply love to love you

You're the most special niece I have in this world.... and from what I can tell by now... well... I love to make you curious all the time :D..

ayoo chaaaaaa....belajar lagi sama uwa you so much ponakan uwa yang paling cantik seduniaaaa.....

poems for icha

I look into your eyes, I'm falling

Into you. I'm soaring

In the azure sky

In places and ways

I never thought possible before.

I touch your skin

An electric tingle thrills me,

I'm hectic

As I wish your touch

Would linger on me forever.

I smell your scent

the fluttering wings

Of butterflies tremble in my stomach,

As I long to immerse myself

In all of you.

Each little thing about you

Makes the thought of life

Without you,

Seems as unthinkable

As eagles that have never flown.

.: jokes :.

Naughty Answers!

***Man comes home,

finds his wife with his friend in bed.

He shoots his friend and kills him.

Wife says : > >"If you behave like this, you will lose ALL your friends".


***A small Boy wrote to Santa Claus, "send me a brother"

Santa wrote back, " SEND ME YOUR MOTHER"


***What is the definition of Mistress?

Someone between the Mister and Mattress


***Husband asks: "Do u know that the meaning of WIFE is:

W ithout
I nformation
F ighting
E very-time

Wife replies: " No,......It means:

W ith
I diot
F or
E ver !!!"


***What's the difference between stress, tension and panic?

Stress is when wife is pregnant,...

Tension is when girlfriend is pregnant.

Panic is when both are pregnant.


***Grammar Teacher: Do you know the importance of a period?

Kid: Yeah, once my sister said she has missed one, my mom fainted,

dad got a heart attack

and our driver ran away


***A young boy asks his Dad :"What is the difference between confident and confidential?

Dad says: "You are my son, I'm confident about that. Your friend over there, is also my son, THAT is confidential.

.: complete the sentences :.

-complete the sentence....-

i am not: just any other girl.

i hurt: when i see my friends hurt.

i love: everything about my husband and you.

i hate: nothing right now.

i hope: that one day everyone will stop and appreciate everyone and everything around them.

i hear: myself talking inside.

i regret: alot of mistakes i have made in my past.

i cry: when it is needed.

i care: about all of my husband and you.

i always: try to go by my morals.

i long to: be with my special guy that will make a difference in my life and me make one in his.

i feel alone: when i am alone.

i listen: to anyone that has something to say.

i hide: a lot of my feelings at times.

i drive: by myself whenever i would go.

i sing: to the music and in the shower.

i dance: all the time. but mostly in the clubs.

i write: when i need to or i wanted to.

i breathe: everyday until i can no longer breathe.

i play: literati on yahoo games if i have nothing to do.

i miss: nothing... i am happy with what i have now.

i search: for happiness. and most of the time i find it.

i learn: how to be a better person everyday.

i feel: like i need to be there for every tear that drops down my best friends cheek.

i know: that God is with me all the days of my life.

i say: to myself that everything will all be ok and if anything goes wrong it to shall pass.

i succeed: when i try my best for everything.

i fail: when i fail to do things and when i go against what i say i am going to do.

i dream: when i fall asleep.

i sleep: when i am not awake.

i wonder: if others are scared to die because if they are i want them to not be afraid because if they have faith they will have everlasting life in paradise.

i want: everyone to come to know God.

i worry: about a few that don't go to Him for help.

i have: made myself become a better person and i am the happiest i have been in a long time.

i give: all the love i have to God, my family, and friends.

i fight: when someone make me hurt..

i wait: and try not to rush life... i take it one day at a time.

i need: you and my love one's.

i am: extroadinary if you ever get to know me.

i think: about that day i am standing by the Lord and all the mistakes i made and good things i did will flash right before my eyes. and he will accept me because i accepted him.

i can't help the fact that: i made mistakes in my past i can only learn from them now and become a better person because of them.

i stay: away from the bad things.

.: song that i heard many times today :.

Nothing seems to be the way that it used to 
Every thing seems shallow 
God give me truth, in me 
And tell me somebody's watching, over me 
And that is all I'm praying is that 
[1st Chorus:] 
Someday, I will understand 
God's whole plan 
And what He's done to me 
Oh but maybe, someday I will breathe 
And I'll finally see, 
I'll see it all in my baby 
Don't you run too fast, my dear 
Why don't you stop? 
Just stop and listen to your tears 
They're all you've got 
It's in you, 
You see, 
Somebody's watching over you 
And that is all I'm praying is that 
[2nd Chorus:] 
Someday, You will understand 
God's whole plan 
And what He does to you 
Oh but baby, someday you will breathe 
And you'll finally see 
You'll see it all in your baby 
You'll see it all in your baby 
No moment will be more true 
Than the moment I look at you 
It's in you, 
You see, 
Somebody is watching over you 
And that is all I'm praying is that... 
[2nd Chorus:] 
Someday you will understand 
God's whole plan 
And what it does to you 
Oh, but, baby, 
Someday you will breathe 
And you'll finally see 
You'll see it all in your baby 
You'll see it all in your baby 
You'll see it all in your baby 
You'll see it all in your baby

PS :

  • for some reasons that i dont know why, i have heard this song more than 5 times today
  • is it revealing what i felt inside right now??
  • is it just because God knew how much i miss to have my own baby??
  • i dunno, thats why as soon as i had time,i just search the texts lyrics of this nice song of britney spears and then write it here...
  • sometimes i think, "LOVE SUCKS" only when came up to this kind of situation.....

.:: random things ::.

Ten random things about me.
10) i like baileys irish cream and white russian alot.
9) i like to be real.
8) i love romance novels.
7) i am scared of airplanes.
6) i like silence.
5) i am addicted to Pallmall menthol.
4) i am also addicted to ice lemon tea.
3) the sims is my favorite games.
2) i like to pre-plan things.
1) i love my family and husband and friends alot.

Nine ways to win my heart.
9) always be nice and patient to me
8) calls me baby and sweet heart.
7) cares about me.
6) is always there for me when i need you.
5) makes me feel unique.
4) shows affection.
3) makes me laugh even when i'm sad.
2) gives me respect.
1) is very open with me.

Eight things I want to do before I die.
8) have 3 children.
7) live in happily with my husband and our children.
6) go shopping in paris, france and italy.
5) have three children.
4) read all the japanese comics that i havent read.
3) be a very usefull and good people for my country.
2) live life to it's fullest.
1) to be loved by the one i love so much.

Seven things that annoy me.
7) disrespect.
6) things taken way to seriously.
5) PeOpLe wHoO tYpEe LiKe ThiS.
4) girls that don't have respect for themselves.
3) slackers.
2) control fanatics.
1) liars.

Six things I love to do.
6) drinkcoffee.
5) go shopping.
4) watch scary movies while covering my ears and eyes.
3) being hugged and kissed by him.
2) drink sprite and white russian.
1) be with my "RTBL"all the time.

Five things I'm afraid of.
5) heights.
4) the test you must pass to graduate from something.
3) messing up.
2) not having the same opportunities like the other succesfull people had and has.
1) not death. because i have faith.

Four of my favorite things.
4) coffee.
3) high heel shoes and nice clothes.
2) ice lemon tea.
1) my "RTBL".

Three things I do everyday.
3) read my comics and watching the market fluctuation of some currencies trading.
2) drink coffee. -i am obviously addicted.
1) concentrate on doing my transactions on work.

Two things I want to do right now.
2) listen to music.
1) drink some ice tea.

One person I want to see right now.
1) my "RTBL"....Sleeping beside me....

Friday, September 14, 2007


Some people will try to make you feel bad about being a woman...Some will try to convince you that you are incapable or inferior....

But dont Believe it...!!!!!

This is your life and you can do anything you want to do...You dont have to follow someone else's expectations of you should be... Never let any one convince you that otherwise...and Never set limits upon your self...

Because You Are A Woman....!!!!!

You can admires the same qualities in yourself that you admire in men...Just Remember that you are : "Strong...Intelligent...and...Capable..."

You are dedicated to any endeavor that you undertake...

You're A Woman..and You Have Power...

You can follow your dreams and dance to the beat of your own heart...You dont have to go through life dangling from the clouds, instead you can fly to the stars and claim one for your own....!!!!!!

.:: A Prayer ::.

huhhhhhhh...what a day...very, on the 2nd day of fasting month i did'nt fasting...i got my periods this morning.. :(

as i arrived at home..i open my mails and then went for a little browsing while my husband is starting to get to sleep...

and...i found an email from a friend, she wrote this lovely pray....and i think its good to be posted here because this pray is so nice...


Thank you for blessing the road I walk on
That I'm walking on
I'm sorry for every mistake I fall on
Can't help but fall

You've changed this heart in me
And I know, I can always count on you
To give me the signs

In the wind on my face
Each time I try to run
From the sight of your grace
From the wrongs I have done

You shine down your light
Each time I need a guide
I say to hearts in despair
There's an answer to a prayer

Give me true love in my life, a peaceful mind
Save me from harm
Pull me back if I ever try to walk away
Don't let me stray

You've changed this heart in me
And I know I can always count on you
To give me the signs

In the wind on my face
Each time I try to run
From the sight of your grace
From the wrongs I have done

You shine down your light
Each time I need a guide
I say to hearts in despair
There's an answer to a prayer
Say to all hearts in despair, there's an answer to a prayer

You've changed this heart in me
And I know I can always count on you
To hear my prayers

You shine down your light
And I know there's an answer to a prayer

You shine down your light
Each time I need a guide
I say to hearts in despair
There's an answer to a prayer

dear aline....thanks for the email...i hope everything will turns out different in your way and then you will find your true happiness...

Thursday, September 13, 2007


“Got this great thoughts of being fall in love things to share…and i think it’s great to be written here…What do you think????”

When you are together with that special someone, you pretend to ignore that person.
But when that special someone is not around, you might look around to find them.
At that moment, you are in love…..

Although there is someone else who always makes you laugh, your eyes and attention might go only to that special someone.
Then, you are in love…..

Although that special someone was supposed to have called you long back, to let you know of their safe arrival, your phone is quiet.
You are desperately waiting for the call!
At that moment, you are in love…..

If you are much more excited for one short e-mail from that special someone than other many long e-mails, you are in love….

When you find yourself as one who cannot erase all the messages in your answering machine because of one message from that special someone, you are in love…..

When you get a couple of free movie tickets, you would not hesitate to think of that special someone.
Then, you are in love…..

You keep telling yourself, “that special someone is just a friend”, but yourealize that you cannot avoid that person’s special attraction.
At that moment, you are in love…..

While you are reading this page, if someone appears in your mind,
then u are in love with that person…..

PS: I posted this articles on my old blogs on December 28th 2005


Musuh Utama manusia adalah dirinya sendiri
Kegagalan terutama manusia adalah
Kebodohan terutama manusia adalah sifat
Kesedihan terutama manusia adalah iri hati
Kesalahan terutama manusia adalah
mencampakkan dirinya dan orang lain
Kehancuran terbesar manusia adalah rasa
Kekurangan terbesar manusia adalah sifat
berkeluh kesah dan tidak memiliki

Sifat manusia yang terkasih adalah
rendah hati
Sifat manusia yang paling diuji adalah
semangat dan keuletannya
Hadiah terutama manusia adalah sifat
lapang dada dan mau memaafkan
Ketenteraman dan kedamaian terutama
manusia adalah berbuat baik terhadap
orang lain

“Segala pekerjaan mudah untuk dilakukan
kecuali satu hal……… .Memahami
orang lain dan menerima keberadaannya
tanpa mempersoalkan “Kekurangannya”

“Sebagaimana diri kita, demikian pula
makhluh lain, sebagaimana makhluk lain,
demikian pula diri kita. Dengan
memikirkan mereka, dengan membandingkan
mereka, tidak seharusnya kita saling
berselisih, bertengkar dan membunuh atau
menyebabkan hal itu.”

“Kulihat saudaraku dengan mikroskop
kritik dan kubilang sungguh jahat
saudaraku itu, kulihat lagi ia dengan
teleskop hina dan kubilang alangkah
kecilnya ia, kemudian kupandang ia
dengan cermin kebenaran, alangkah
miripnya ia dengan aku”

Memelihara dendam karena orang lain
menyakiti hati kita adalah seperti
menelan racun sambil berharap orang lain
yang akan mati.

(diambil dari mailist forbidden groups)….HMMM…I MISSED THE TIME WHEN I STILL WORK AT BURSA EFEK JAKARTA where we made this forbidden groups…I missed the fun with all the member of BEJ……

another about me

hi…let me introduce myself here,…but i hardly find the way to do i thought i will make it now but i’ll make it simple…it’s from a quiz i found when i browsing the net…

The Survey Namejheung rhie
Birthdayjune 24th 1978
Current Locationjakarta
Eye Colorblack
Hair Colorburgundy
Right Handed or Left Handedright handed
Do you get Motion Sicknessyeap sometime
Have you gone Skinny Dippingyes
Your Weaknessdarkness and height and cant wake up early in the morning
Your Fearsbeing left alone and lonely
Are you a Health Freaknot really
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Yearhave babies
Thoughts First Waking Up“ohh GOD..!!! another day again??What will i have today?????"
Your Best Physical Featuremy boobse...blushing mode on
Your Bedtimeafter 2am
Your Most Missed Memorymy first date with him
Do you Smokeyes
Do you Swearsometimes
Do you Singyessssssssss....i love singing a lot...!!!!!
Do you Shower Dailytwice a day..!!!
Have you Been in Love:ALWAYS AND FOREVER...!!!!
Do you want to get MarriedI AM MARRIED NOW
Do you belive in yourselfyesssss
Do you think you are Attractiveofcourse...ting-ting...blushing mode on lagi
Do you get along with your Parentsyes..Yes very get along…LOve You Mom..Pap…
What do you want to be when you Grow Upi already grew up and proud of being what i am now
How do you want to Diein peace and unpainfull way
Number of things in my Past I Regretnot more than 6....


about me.

helloooo all….

this will be my new blogs…well…actually i have to make it new because my old one which is registered on will be closed soon because that website closed after 8th September 2007….

sad….i've been writing there since end of 2005 and no i already save all of the archives there and will reposted it some here ....and some in my other blogs that i made before this one which is in

i think thats all for now..i will write soon again…

jheung rhie